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vine robotics

VineRobotiqs was established to solve a most challenging task in agriculture activity:

Autonomic table grapes viticulture.

Get to know us

The solution

A revolutionary solution of vineyards robotics. Taking care of full season viticulture with the added value of precision agriculture

Our solution utilizes a best-in-class Artificial Intelligence (AI) Real Time (RT)  control system. The robot executes a recipe defined by the farmer. There are tens of recipie types and adjustment parameters ehable best fit to the most updated practices in vineyards viticulture. We uses a modern cloud-based BI-SAS system to keep the decisions process optimal through a continuous improvement process (CIP).

The Research

A five-year effort at the best table-grapes vineyards in the Lachish region led to a precise multi-task process definition and business model. Thus, to be able to offer a breakthrough in viticulture and a substantial business opportunity at low risk.

The Need

The vine is the fastest growing tree. Branches grow arbitrarily wild, striving for light.  The bunches tend to be messy, with twisted tendrils everywhere. Hundreds of bunches starts flourish, the proper dilution is a must to get the quality harvesting at the end of the season. The market price highly depends on the quality of the grape bunches. Quality is defined by some 20-30 factors like size, shape, density, taste, color, shelf life etc. achievable by properly execute the right actions all year around. Thus, maintain high quality viticulture and cultivation expertise is critical for farm profitability. Quality fail will lead to harvest reject at the market. Massive temporary human labor is spent on cultivation tasks, leading to high costs of up to 60% of the revenue

The Vision

Smart robots work 24/7 along vineyard rows, executing the exact recipe defined by vine experts, aiming for the best bunch quality and a better market price.

Tasks are done at the proper plant’s timing

The robot continues learning always Year over Year



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